"Dear loved ones who have supported us over the years, in small and big ways. We thank you so much for your willingness to be so generous to us. But, as the time draws near, my ability to write thank yous is diminishing.
Please note, we continue to remain very grateful for all you've done for us in the past, present and future. Thank you for all your prayers during this time. The accommodations here are just wonderful and is allowing us to enjoy each other, including Uncle Bob and Aunt Jeanne.
I have been taking at least 2 naps a day, am very sleepy, even when I'm awake. My pain isn't bad, by breathing has gotten harder though. Today, I have been more frisky and a harder time taking my morning nap & didn't sleep very well. The 5 younger children individually came through and shared their heart with me. It was a sweet, tender time with each. Out of the 11 love letters I have to write, five are totally done, 3 almost, and three to start. That is on my mind. Please pray that I can get that done ASAP.
Tonight, the family is very excited because I got a pass to go to the 7pm service at Real Life Ministries where some of the kids go."
You are sure a wonderful person. I have been bless getting to know you. May God keep you safe and in his loving arms.
nan Spinazza
May the Lord continue to strengthen you so you are able to finish your precious "love letters". He knows the desires of your heart and is so faithful.
Love, Jean
Gary and I will pray today that God will give you the words for each love letter left to be finished. You, Doug and your whole family are such an inspiration to the rest of us. Thanks for sharing your journey.
We love you,
Gary and Gayle
Keep the perservance with the love letters. They will be cherished forever. Your enduring faith in the Lord will provide everything else you need.
My Dear Sweet Susan--Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain. This is what you have done with the cancer. You have chosen to believe that God will never fail nor forsake you and that He alone is altogether good and works out all things for our good. We are all drawn to that passion for life that you have and that beautiful smile and that understanding and wise heart...we all just want to know that your voice will still be on the other end of the phone each time we call. But, Jesus has a higher calling for you and now for all of us. We will forever write the love of Jesus on the hearts of your children and help them to remember your example of submission to whatever it is the Lord asks of us whether it is easy or very difficult resulting in great suffering---may we choose joy! My heart is full of things to say and yet you know those things and so I love you and pray for a restful day filled with those you love most and the peace that passes all understanding guarding each moment. Because of His grace--Cindy
My Dear Sweet Susan--Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain. This is what you have done with the cancer. You have chosen to believe that God will never fail nor forsake you and that He alone is altogether good and works out all things for our good. We are all drawn to that passion for life that you have and that beautiful smile and that understanding and wise heart...we all just want to know that your voice will still be on the other end of the phone each time we call. But, Jesus has a higher calling for you and now for all of us. We will forever write the love of Jesus on the hearts of your children and help them to remember your example of submission to whatever it is the Lord asks of us whether it is easy or very difficult resulting in great suffering---may we choose joy! My heart is full of things to say and yet you know those things and so I love you and pray for a restful day filled with those you love most and the peace that passes all understanding guarding each moment. Because of His grace--Cindy
I LOVE YOU SUSAN! It has been a blessing knowing you and getting to be really good friends with Hannah. You have the most AMAZING family and I can't wait till I move home so I can continue to become close to your family and be there for Hannah when she needs me. I am here for you all and prayers for your family are continuously being said and I love you ALL. Thanks for the fun times and it will NEVER end.
Karinda (Cruse) Leonardi
God bless you! I spent a couple days with my daughter Katie, for her birthday (24) and during that time we talked about the fun times she had at your house growing up. She said you make the best fried rice in the world - funny the things kids remember! I mentioned that she should write an enty in your blog, I hope she does. I hope you found my letter that I sent to Doug's email address, also. So glad to see you are getting all that wonderful family time. Love you! Janelle
Dear Susan,
I’ve wanted to talk with you but knowing your time with family is precious, I’ve stayed away. I trust that when you’re up and awake, you need to be with Doug and the kids. So many thoughts roaming around in my mind that I want to tell you that I have a hard time organizing them!
Only you could say with a smile on your face, “you will grow and learn so much through the trials of cancer… it will bring you closer to Jesus… I can’t wait to see the joy you will experience as you travel this journey called cancer”. Thanks Susan, for sharing yourself with me. I feel stronger because you have spoken words of truth to me. Yes, trials make us strong and like you, I must thank God for cancer.
Sometimes people say after a person dies of cancer that “so and so” lost their battle with cancer and I don’t think that sounds right. You, Susan, have won. As you near the finish line, don’t feel discouraged or dismayed. Christ promises victory to His children and you are soon to receive your prize. Along the way, you have slowed down a bit only to help others in their race. You have sacrificed for your husband. You have tied the shoes of your children, one by one, as they came along in this life, all the while, keeping your focus on Jesus, the Author of your faith. Even when tired of the circumstances, you put on a smile. In all types of weather, you have kept on running this race. Your steadfast faith is visible to people near and far. You are victorious!! I must praise God that He made you the beautiful person you are! Being transparent and vulnerable, sharing your struggles with honesty and a simple trust in the Lord. As many have said, you are an inspiration. Even after you leave this planet, you will remain an inspiration. Your crossing the finish line, as painful as it is, reveals the mysteriously amazing glory of God. I don’t understand why He does all He this, yet His perfect will must be trusted. He’s planned a race-course for all of us and in His time, we will rejoice together; what a celebration that will be! I look forward to seeing you then, both of us with new bodies, full of eternal joy.
I love you.
Stephanie Keaty
You are such a wonderful person and loving. Your family is so blessed having a mother like you. You tie their shoes, one by one.
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