Monday, March 3, 2008

New Week

"But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble." Psalm 59:16

Since Doug was in San Diego over the weekend for his Naval Reserve Duty, I had my younger brother Rory come over from Seattle to help me out and mostly to visit. I so appreciated his help and moral support. He even brought over some fresh crab that was so yummy. My pain has been very tough for me to handle. Wanted to get checked into hospital on Saturday night to try and get some relief, and get some control over it. Well, God's plans of course are better, sooo I got through the night and Sunday at 9am a wonderful hospice nurse came over to the house. She checked me out and we got a new game plan started. I love game plans (especially when they work). Right now I am too drugged up and need to keep tweaking the pain medicine. But we will continue to adjust and adapt so I can continue with day to day living for our Lord. Pray that my focus is on our Lord and less on my pains. Love you all. Doug got back and it's wonderful to have him back.


Anonymous said...

I love you mom!!! I had a very special day with you on sunday!! I was glad to not work and be able to take you out to church and go shopping. I will see tom. for mary's birthday.

Anonymous said...

Praying and praying for your pain to be relieved and praying that those overseeing your care will be guided by wisdom. May they also be amazed at the blessing they are receiving by being in your presence and witnessing someone who "loves the Lord with all their heart,with all their soul, and with all their mind." May the Lord give you all the strength you need and more in order to continue to enjoy precious moments with your loved ones.

Love, Jean

Anonymous said...

Dear Susan,

I was just sitting here reading your blog wanting to send my thoughts and prayers for releaf from the pain you are experiencing. Praying that God will use the expertise of the hospice nurses to keep you comfortable. They truly are the experts, more so, I think than us hospital nurses. In ICU, we're good at knocking you out with the heavy stuff but not as good at keeping you comfortable AND still functioning! I've often thought that someday, I would like to be a hospice nurse. They were such a blessing to us with Sam's mom and again, with my sister's husband. God gave me an opportunity to have a greater appreciation for pain when I injured my back and leg this past year. Sleeping was always the most difficult, when the pain seemed to be more pronounced. I hope you received the CD I sent in one piece? I really love the lyrics to so many of the songs; I feel like I'm worshiping as I listen and sing along.

Here's an exerpt from "So Much More": You say he's just a moral man, But have you seen the mercy flowing from his hand
You say he's got some good to say, But have you felt His Healing presence when you pray
I know what it's like to hold on to everything you've known
But I know what it's like to find life and let go, if only you'd let go
He's so much more. He's all you need and all that you've been asking for
He'll be the answer, he'll be enough.

Dear Jesus, may your healing presence surround Susan in these days. May you provide all that she needs. In your name, Amen
God bless, Carrie

Anonymous said...

Susan: We've only recently seen your blog and all the wonderful stories and photos of the blessed Vetsch family. You are so lucky to have all this love. Please know that the Rantzs join those who think of and pray for you and yours. We see all your smiles and Doug's near daily postings.
We have such fond memories of our days on the Tinosa, Portsmouth, and when you visited us in Maryland.
God Bless.
Maggie Rantz

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Susan, I am thinking about you and the nurses as you work on pain management. Physical pain can be so intense, but it can never truly rob us of our spirituality and personhood. I admire you and how you continue to follow your journey with God through all of that pain. Love, Erin

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you, continually amazed at your journey and how your journey serves to illuminate the glory and power of our Lord! Happy belated birthday, Susan! It's a date I just didn't have written in my book! :) Spent last weekend with Beth Magaldi (Frascatore) and we shared some cute stories about you so much! Love, Shari Fearn (Hulshof) in Simi Valley