Susan is resting comfortably in the hospital. Yesterday the doctors did not have to reposition the drain tube to her pleural space around the lung. The reason being that the amount of fluid did not warrant the extra procedure. So in the afternoon, they injected a chemical into that space to attach the two pleural surfaces together so that no fluid can accumulate between them. Not sure if the doctors used talc powder or another liquid to do this. I'll find out more today. Pray that this whole procedure works and that Susan can get out of the hospital in a few days. They will keep her in to observe whether there is a return of the fluid buildup. She is an excellent patient and is doing well at KMC. We are enjoying sweet times, laughing and enjoying. Thanks for your prayers.
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
Susan, I am so glad the fluid is being successfully drained from around your lungs. Your blogs have been so informative, Doug--thanks! I have to tell you, Susan, how much Nathan & Hannah look like you in these pictures! You have gorgeous children who have grown into stunning adults! May they all inherit your outstanding spiritual qualities as well!
Karen Haskew was able to rejoin us on Monday night at BSF. She is undergoing chemo for lung cancer & she looks great too. You both are such an inspiration to so many. I can't thank you enough for your dedication to completing your Bible Study Fellowship lessons during this whole time when you were not even feeling well enough to attend. You have always had your priorities straight & you are finishing well! You will hear, "Well done, my good & faithful servant!" just a short time ahead of those of us who are following in your footsteps. May you continue the race & land gloriously in the arms of Jesus at the end. God is blessing you.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.... James 4:7
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