Jesus said, "Do not be afraid any longer, only believe." Mark 5:36
There are no limits to what our faith in God will do. Just as the shepherds, tending to their sheep long ago, were told not to be afraid when the Glory of God shown about them. They too in faith in a brief moment after the appearance of the angel realized that they should go see the babe Jesus in Bethlehem. They were drawn to Him in their faith. Their lives were forever changed, too! That is where each of us are. You and me. We are drawn to Him, not to fear but to put our faith totally in Him, and to believe. Life changing.

Hannah has a practical test today in front of her teacher and then a Final on Thursday morning. Be praying for Hannah. School has been a challenge but she is studying hard and focused. Jake is very understanding of her long hours of studying. But still they both need pray because of it all. Leah is cooking up a storm lately with Christmas goodies. What a blessing to have her at home. Jason made it back from Phoenix, with a bit of a suntan. He had a great time. The younger kids are out of school this Friday for two weeks. And my brother John and his boy Francesco come in on Sunday for two weeks. Looking forward to having them here to celebrate Christ's birth. And keep me in your prayers over the next couple of weeks. There will be times of needed grace. Susan and I would have been married 28 years this Saturday.
Blessings to you all.....