Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Prayer for Hannah

Keep Hannah in your prayers in the next few days as she studies for a major test on Thursday in her nursing program. Her grades are hanging in there but she needs to get a good grade in this upcoming test to remain in the class. Pray for her sleep that she won't be thinking about the test and that she would be able to sleep soundly. Pray for clarity as she reads the questions and answers them. And that God would give her wisdom in answering them correctly.


Unknown said...

We are absolutely praying for Hannah she is so smart it is always just a matter of figuring out what that teacher wants not really what Hannah knows which is the frustrating part!!!Hang in there.

Christian said...

We are praying!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Hannah,
All the best on your exam coming up. I'm sure you will do well, and you will make a wonderful nurse!!
And Happpy Halloween to the whole family. I enjoy getting dressed up in my witch's costume on Halloween and seeing all the neighborhood kids come around. It's fun.
Love to all, Judy and Patrick

Anonymous said...

Praying with you for successful test results, Hannah! Susan glowed when she shared of your desire to become a nurse, and of your caring heart. And we all know how small a part test taking & passing have to do with becoming a competent and qualified nurse! Trusting our Lord will honor the desire of your heart...

The Drechsels

Anonymous said...

We are praying for for you Hannah! May God guide and watch over you this week. You will do great and make a wonderful nurse-patients will be blessed to have you with them. Hope the rest of the family is doing great also. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. The Martinez'