We made it back just fine on Saturday. No car problems. And Thank You Lord for working air conditioning in the cars. It was 109 degrees F in the Pasco WA area on our way home. We certainly miss our cool comfortable breezes of the Oregon Coast. Here are some beautiful pictures of the girls and of Haystack Rock and beach.

Dear Doug and Granddaughters: This is a beautiful picture. How wonderful you were at the retreat that meant so much to Susan, and that your loving daughters kept you close company on the beach walks when the memories of Susan would be so strong. You are a very dear family and we are so proud of you. Bob is here with us. We picked him up at the airport and then met Rick, Cheryl and Lindsey for lunch at the Chinese restaurant that we went to with you all in February. So many memories. Glad that our prayers were answered for your safe trip. School will be the next big thing, I guess. Have been trying to reach Nathan and Michelle. We have the wrong cell phone number, so we sent an email. Peace and Love, Mary Carol and Jack
Dear Vetsch Family,
Susan's life testimony is an inspiration to me. I met her at MOPS and admired her spirit. I soon learned that she was a "legend" around town. Growing up in an abusive home and recovering from a jaded past I struggled as a new believer with the voice of the enemy always in my head telling me that I was undeserving of this great grace that Jesus had extended to me. In this state of mind I viewed Susan and others like her as someone to be admired, but way out of my league. Well as you know, that bright smile and laughing eyes of hers had a way of making people feel treasured. As I served in MOPS and got to know the ladies better I was impressed by Susan's servant heart. When she mentioned taking on Moppetts I convinced her that no matter how tough she was she could use a helper; but truthfully I was just looking for an excuse to spend more time with her. Well it worked and I was blessed each time we spent together. Her example has greatly impacted my life.Thru Susan and her unconditional love for others I got a glimpse of Jesus's love for me despite my weaknesses. The voice of the accuser grows fainter each day. Susan taught me to laugh at and thru all the mayham that arises within a large family. I am a better mom to my 5 kids now as I play a little "game" for her and for me. Humble as she was in her greatness she might set me straight but when times get tough I say to myself "What would Susan Do?"{WWSD} The answer; love, live, laugh, play and pray.
Thank you Susan, we miss you!
Cyndi D.
Hi Uncle Doug,
Your pictures of Cannon Beach are so beautiful. From your pictures I have decided that this is definitely a place I would like to visit someday. It looks so peaceful. I hope things are going well this summer and I'm thinking of you all. By the way, how is Dawson doing? Love,
Dear Doug and girls- I have so enjoyed the pictures you have been taking Doug, you are a very good photographer! I especially loved the ones of the girls- it is just a beautiful picture, it brought tears to my eyes! (would love to have a copy of it!) I can see Susan in all of them. I think of you all often, you are in my prayers. Hope to get out there for a visit before the snow falls... Love to you all- jeanne
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