Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Slept Well!!

"The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

I had a very nice sleep last night. YEA! I was able to lay flat and on my side. Now this was while I was in the hospital so that really makes it special. There is still swelling so we are hopeful it will only open more. Saliva, food and liquids are always wanting to go through that open hole into the lungs so I have to really concentrate when eating or drinking. Normally it closes during swallowing but my cords are paralized.
Oh, I am overwhelmed with gratefulness for the success of the surgery. Thank you for all your prayers. It was such a hard week with the breathing issue.
Pray that I will not be weak in faith or fearful from present, momentary suffering. Our Father's love is too great for these feelings. May I only ponder with great joy the anticipation of seeing Jesus and "the glory that will be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18)


Anonymous said...

Dear Doug, Susan, and all the family,
We're glad to hear you are getting the care you need now, Susan. May you not be in too much pain or discomfort. We are thinking of you and sending our love across the mountain tops.
I'll start some Christmas baking soon and send you a box of goodies. I'm sure you will be well remembered in that way - but it's always nice to have extra baking in the house for visitors.
All our love, Judy and Patrick

Anonymous said...

I know Jesus will heal you