Thursday, September 20, 2007

Nice Break From Chemo

My parents left today to start the long trek back to Phoenix. Pray for safety as they return to AZ. We all had a sweet visit with them. We played lots of board games which I just love, especially when I win. Well, tomorrow (Friday) I get another round of chemo. It has been a nice two week break. The plan right now is to finish this cycle of chemo through the next month and then get another set of CAT SCANS. Be praying for the effectiveness of the chemo to reduce the cancer sites and for my reactions to the chemo, especially the third day after. My weight is maintaining but should be gaining.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you as you head to chemo today!
Elizabeth S.

Liz B. said...

My Dear Susan, Hey beautiful Lady! I had a blast at your birthday party. It was like old home week. It was great to see old family and friends. I'm glad you posted a pic of Nathan. I can't believe the young man he has grown into. You have done well good and faithful servant. You are a light to this world and a blessing to me. You have shown me what it is to be faithful and true. God has truley done a great miracle in you. Who says He doesn't do miracles anymore. I am walking with you in prayer and praise God in every remembrance of you. All our love to all of you.......

Greg and Phebe said...


Kynzie enjoyed hanging out with Laura and Jane last night and today...Laura is always a pleasure...You can't beat that smile...We'll be praying for you...LOL...

Greg & Phebe ...and Kynzie, Jaxson, Maara & Mihret

GFB and Family said...

Susan and Family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers today, and always.
We pray that you are immersed and filled to overflowing with His Love, His Peace, and His Comfort that knows know limit.
Know that you are being held and comforted by the Great I AM.
You have been called according to His Purpose.
Praise the Lord, and may He bless you and continue to bless you and your precious family!!
Greg Brands and Family

Anonymous said...

Hi, Susan,
Thank you for keeping us all in touch through your blog. I hope the chemo has been Ok, that your body will not react too much to it. Of course, the chemo has to do its job.
We're thinking often of you and Doug and of all the children. We send our love your way each and every day!
Love, Judy and Patrick