Saturday, August 25, 2007

Leah came home!

Today, Susan is actually doing well. I think that the pain meds are now taking hold and the pain is in control. We had a good evening on Friday. Leah suprised us all and showed up just when we were falling a sleep. She will be here for three days. Susan was soooo excited. This morning Susan, Leah and Hannah went to pick out flower ideas for Hannah's wedding in January. They were like a bunch of kids. Good times.
"This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us Rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24


Dad and Mom said...

We are so proud of Doug and Susan and of course the wonderful grandchildren. We read the postings with tears (again) but with gratitude that Susan is bearing up so lovingly with the "walk that she is undertaking." Faith in action is so inspiring that it overrides the sadness. Thank you for sharing this part of your lives, Peace and Love, Dad and Mom

alli said...

our thoughts and never ending prayer are with all of you. i admire the strenght of you Susan, and know you are strong in your heart and your mind. as for the rest of the vetsch family... stay strong and embrace all the love around you.