Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Just Say 'No' to Trache Tube!

Monday PM: Thank you for answered prayer. Susan's doctors agreed that there is no hurry to have the tracheotomy. Susan just did not feel that it was needed at this point and all agreed. We are still going to see a cardiologist about her heart. She is still feeling OK, comfortable when she stays up on her pain meds. Pray for the cardiologist visit that questions will be answered.
Email address: dougvetsch@roadrunner.com .


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan!!

It's Lisa Dreckman. This website is so great. It's a great way to stay in touch with you, especially since it's hard for you to talk. At least I know I can reach out to you without straining you and you'll know I'm thinking of you - always thinking of you!! I'm glad to hear things worked out with the tracheotomy the way you wanted it to. I'm sure it was a wonderful surprise to have Leah home. I'm so glad she's staying safe with her job. It was great to see you at the fair. You looked awesome. Your spirit was wonderful, I so admire you!!!!!!! You are truly a very, very special person and I feel so blessed to know you. I refer to you in my thoughts many times when I'm contemplating something and wonder "How would Susan handle this or how would she think of this?" You have seriously been a shining example for me. You and Doug really need to be the poster couple for parents on how to respect and raise your children. You guys have done such a tremendous job and I truly enjoy always being around your family. Well, enough, I'm probably sounding a little sappy, but just know it's all very, very heart-felt and sincere. I will keep in touch and please know that you (and the family) will always be in our prayers. Keep the positive attitude and if there is anything at all that we can do for you guys DO NOT hesitate to call. Take care and God bless!!! Say "hi" to everyone!

Love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Vetsch!
I'm praying for you!!! Mrs. Vetsch, every time I have seen you these last few years you have been so encouraging and I have walked a way with a smile on my face. I am always amazed at your strength and how you have done for others so much these last few years. Hang in there and know that you have TONS of people praying for you!
Elizabeth Scrafford

Anonymous said...

Our family is praying for you as you continue to fight. May God be with you and your family and strengthen your spirit daily.

The Barnhart Family
Fort Rucker, AL

Anonymous said...

Dear Susan, Doug & family,
Rick and I are really looking forward to our visit with you!! We are glad to be leaving the heat of sunny Arizona (broke the record today for the most 110+ days in a summer). We're excited to see you and your wonderful family. See you on Sunday afternoon!! We love the website - so touching. Our thoughts & prayers are with all of you. Love, Cheryl, Rick, Rod & Lindsey

Anonymous said...

My dear sister Susan- you cannot imagine how happy and thankful I was for you when I heard you were saying "No to TT". Mom had called the girls and they each called me at work. I love this web page, such a great way for us to reach out to you and for you to keep us all informed.
I so look up to you (even tho you are younger ;-) Your strength and courage are a wonderful example to us all. Whenever I think of you I always picture you smiling, why, just look at the pictures on this web page!
My prayer for you is that the Lord continue to cradle you in His arms, providing you comfort and peace. I love you Susan, and look forward to our visit in Sept.

Anonymous said...

Susan, and Family,

I want you to know how loved and cherished you are!

The Lord is so amazing that He brought us together in this life.

I remember the first time Raylene told me about this amazing woman at MOPS with a zillion kids that has everything together.

It was so fun to actually get to meet you and your family, and then to get to know you.

What a blessing the Lord gave us both in our friendship!

God had, and still has amazing plans for us.

Praise Him with all you are, and all you have.

It is His love that sustains us, and carries us.

It is all for Him.

Greg Brands

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan! Keep your chin up! Your such a STRONG and BEAUTIFUL woman! I Pray for you and your family everday! GOD BLESS !
Love Kelly
(Friend of Hann, Leah, Sarah) xoxo