It is our greatest desire to keep you informed with accurate, detailed information. This blog site seems the best way to do this. Please know how important you are to us. Your concern and care for us at this time means so much.
Let me update you at this point. Monday the 20th, I went to the ER with a heart rate of 174. They stopped my heart and started it with no problems. It continues to run at about 115. Tuesday morning we went to the voice doctor to see why my voice had taken such a turn and why I was having difficulty talking and breathing. Unfortunately, tumors have paralyzed my voice box completely and I am breathing out of a hole the size of a straw.
A tracheotomy is the only solution since this is a permanent condition. This will be performed Wed. the 29th, at KMC at 12:30. I hope to stay 2-3 days to get used to it, how to manage it and most importantly, having time with the Lord. This is going to be a big adjustment for all of us, so we request no visitors so I can save my strength and spend time with the kids as they get comfortable with the new me.
On Wed. the 22nd, I did cat scans with Dr. Tezcan followed by an appointment to go over the results. I had been off chemo since March and since that time the cancer has advanced into the soft tissue of my chest area and torso. We are in a serious spot in this fight in that we need to get ahead of the cancer. For the next 2-3 months we are going to hit it with hard chemo and hope that it will give me more time.
Wed. night I was back at the ER with a heart rate of 188. Once again they stopped my heart and restarted it. It continues to run high but we are trying to manage it with a heart drug. It is not known at this time why it is racing. There are tumors in that area that could be irritating my heart. I am scheduled to see a cardiologist.
Friday 24 Aug: Susan started first round of chemo treatment. She will be doing a cocktail of three drugs weekly. Pray that she would tolerate it well and pray that the cancer would respond to the drugs. Also pray for wisdom for the cardiologist to better understand the interaction of the heart racing and her cancer history.
The children are grasping the reality of the situation in their own sweet way. Of course it is our prayer that they will turn to their Lord for comfort and strength for the days ahead of us. As for Doug and I, there have been sweet tears of surrender but mainly peace and joy amidst the storm.
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Doug and Susan, thanks for taking the time and effort to keep us posted as well as inspired with your day to day insights. I will be checking in daily and will be praying with you. With love, Johnny
I wish I could be there to tell you this personally. But I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You are an inspiration to us all. I miss all of you! Keep fighting!!
I Love You!
Susan, God is really blessing you with a wonderful family. He loves you so much. You have been so obedient to Him. Doug what a wonderful husband to be there for Susan and family. He who began a good work in you will continue it to the end. Love all of you.Claudia Sommers
Beautiful blog-spot to look at your beautiful photos! Thanks for keeping us all up to date. You know we pray for you earnestly. And as we make our requests known to God, He provides the perfect peace that surpasses our understanding and guards our hearts and minds. We love you Susan!! Stephanie & boys
Doug and Susan ~ you are an inspiration and blessing to all who know you. You are in our prayers without ceasing.....you are both living proof that our God is an awesome God. He is real. Our faith is the real deal and life on this earth is just prepartion for our real home. Where would we all be without Jesus? We love you ~ dick & julie
Because of the hope that we have in Christ Jesus, we can say with conviction, "It is well with my soul"! Doug and Susan, your faith comes through so clearly in all that you say and do. Thank you for being so open in sharing your journey with us. It causes me to see God through your eyes and I am awed once again. You are SO LOVED! In prayer with you, Cindy
Hi Susan and Doug,
I hope to meet you when I come to your church for your Retreat and all. What a blessing to visit your site. Keep up the fight!
Doug, I think we were your neighbors. We lived at 241 Fairpark next to Kalvigs 700-74/
Praying and glad to be on your team. Lois Olmstead
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