Hello family and friends,
This verse certainly speaks volumes to me lately. I feel like a fish out of water sometimes with being a single parent. It has been a challenge of late but day to day I keep my eyes on Jesus and rest in His grace. He gives me the strength and wisdom I need daily. It has been busy of late.
-Sarah's surgery went well last Wednesday. Took a little longer than was planned but everything turned out just fine. With some pain meds, Sarah was able to cope with the after effects and has been doing well. Today she had a follow up appointment and the doctor put some new wrapping on her left hand.
-On the Friday before Memorial Day, the family had a placement ceremony at the cemetery for Susan's ashes. Her ashes are buried at the Memorial Gardens Cemetery at 7315 N Government Way in Coeur d'Alene. Pastor Dick officiated at the short service. It was a very close occasion for my family as all lowered the urn into the ground. Here are a couple of pictures.

And then for Memorial Day weekend, we all headed up to Farragut State Park (about 30 miles north) to camp out. Weather was cool the first night, sunny the next day with some drizzle on Saturday night. But then the rest of the weekend was really nice. We played alot of games like Phase 10 (a card game), Frisbee golf and wiffle ball. What a great time. All expect on Saturday afternoon, when I was throwing my Frisbee disk (this one was an official disk, heavier, pointy edge). I really threw it hard and it hit one tree, hit another and came right down on Aaron's head. He went down so fast and was bleeding. By the time I got there, he was still on the ground, but was not bleeding too bad. We went back to camp and cleaned up the wound. He later went back into town with Hannah to go to Emergent Care. He ended up getting 5 stitches. I felt bad. What a freak accident. So pray for his head and proper healing.

Today was Aaron's birthday. Sixteen years old. We had a taco dinner then played kickball in the pasture and volleyball in the front yard followed up with four square on the driveway. It was a nice weekend. This coming weekend will be Relay for Life, our local chapter event for Cancer awareness and charity to fight the disease. We will be partaking in the event on Friday night. Then on Saturday afternoon, a luau for Aaron's birthday with some of his friends, more games and probably a bonfire at our house. On Wednesday evening, I will meet with Theresa, a nanny who will potentially be working for me for a couple of days a week this summer when the kids are out of school. Mary, Laura and Kayla will go with me to meet and talk with her. Pray for peace and that all will work out.
I want to thank all of you dear ones out there that have helped the Vetsch family in so many ways (prayers, meals, cards, letters, emails, contributions to the Susan Vetsch Cancer Fund, cleaning of our house, help with lice issues, driving kids here and there, sewing classes, cooking classes, softball practice/games, etc). You are all blessings and we love you all. Keep praying for harmony amongst the children,
peace and strength for me, keeping to a chore list, and trying to have fun while doing it all. We are doing well considering. We stay busy. Lastly,
"I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.... I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:11,13