Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm sorry I haven't written lately. I've been struggling with health issues and time has gotten away from us. I did do the new chemo drug last Thursday. It went real well with no reactions. Over the weekend, I started to get nauseated, dehydrated and couldn't stop dry heaving. Sunday afternoon we went into the ER and they were so sweet to me. I received 2 Liters of fluid and an IV shot of anti nausea medicine. Oh, by evening I was feeling so much better. Continue to deal with waves of anxiety. I think its a side effect of my pain meds. I will inquire about this matter. Sleep continues to be an issue although my breathing is doing well. I'm really trying to keep my thoughts only on Jesus BUT having moments of discouragement. Where great faith lives, fear cannot live. Where great fear exists, no faith can survive.

2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Fear is a product of the devil and Satan will strive to turn my doubts into fears and my fears into panic.
"Lord, I believe, help me in my unbelief." Mark 9:24

We were greeted Sunday morning by a phone call from Nathan in Iraq. It was so wonderful to hear his voice. He is doing well. We do still need to keep praying for his safety even though we hear that it is improving over there. Still in harms way. Also, Hannah had a second Bridal Shower with Jake's side of the family, on Sunday afternoon. She was blessed once again with such sweetness of generosity towards her. We as a family are blessed to have them all in our life.


Anonymous said...

Dear Susan,

I will be earnestly praying that your anxiety will subside and be replaced with a gentle calmness and your discouragement will be replaced by hope.


Debbie Thompson said...

It was so wonderful to run into you at Real Life on Friday night, you looked beautiful! Thank you so much for updating us on how you are feeling and what is going on, we all realize that you are so busy with your family and your medical issues and know it is just one more thing to accomplish, as I lay awake at night before I fall asleep I pray for you often and I know so many others do as well. I am glad that I can specificly pray for you and your family as you share updates and needs. May God continue to give you peace and joy each and every day as well as your family.
In His Love,
Debbie Thompson