Friday, July 10, 2009


"Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, Thou art very great; Thou art clothed with splendor and majesty" Psalm 104:1

"Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy pow'r throughout the universe displayed"
(first verse of this beautiful hymm)

Just the other night we had an incredible thunder storm. It made me think of this wonderful hymm "How Great Thou Art". His power was displayed in that storm the other night and also in the peacefulness of these quite, summer mornings... He has His hand in it all. Amen. This past week, His Faithfulness was displayed in a significant event. Hannah graduated from Nursing School!!!!! Hannah wrote down a thankyou and some thoughts that follow:

Hello Friends and Family, What a long road this past year has been for me. I have overcome more than I thought I could and have finished. Thank you most importantly to Jesus Christ, my Savior, for the miracles He orchestrated for me to be here today. He has blessed me with more then I could ask for and has given me the ability and opportunity to become a nurse. I want to thank the most important person in my life, my husband Jake. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and encouraging me. I love you! To my family- Dad, Nathan, Michelle, Leah, Sarah, Jason, Aaron, Mary, Laura and Kayla…Thank you! I am so blessed to have each one of you in my life. Sarah thank you for your text messages before and after test and your eagerness to see how each exam went. Dad thank you for being my prayer warrior and for keeping everyone updated through the blog and Leah thank you for the financial resources to finish my last semester. And to the Hoy’s, I am so grateful to have such a large new family. Each one of you has gotten me here today. To my extended family out there (my dear relatives, family, friends), thank you for all your prayers, texts, phone calls and love. I love you all! I honestly wouldn’t have made it through the program without the love and support of all my friends. To everyone who prayed weekly for me, for the endless cards and emails, and the phone calls to see how my last test went, thank you so much. In loving memory of my mom, who inspired me to become a nurse. She motivated me to achieve my dreams and I want to dedicate this to her.

The bible verse that has spoken to me the most is Deuteronomy 31:6: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you."

I am so proud of Hannah.

Here is a video of Hannah at her Pinning Ceremony at North Idaho College of Nursing.

Hannah with good friends, Anneliese and Lindsey!!

Hannah with good friend and nursemate, Bridget.
The Family around the Grad!

On the homefront, Dawson our lab, getting a bath after a close encounter with a SKUNK! WHEW. Also, Laura and Mary get back from summer camp this morning. I am sure they had a great time. We missed them very much. I will include a picture of their return. Also my Aunt Greta and husband Harold arrived last night for a couple of days. They are from Minnesota, ya! Good to see them. Greta is my dad's sister. More later. Have a God Blessed day.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We live by Faith

"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by Faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me." Galatians 2:20

Hello all,
It is amazing how time goes by so quickly, especially when you are having fun. It has been a fun summer already. We are all doing well here. I chose this verse in Galatians because we are living by our Faith. A Faith based on our belief that Jesus is the Son of God and he we are all sinners and need Him in our life. As believers in Jesus, we are made new because Christ does live in us. People will ask me and the kids how we are doing and they will comment on "how do we do it". We are amazing they will say. But it is not us but God working through us. HE IS AMAZING!
The month of June went by quickly. Last I talked with you, I was going to run my Adventure Race through the woods at Farragut Park. I made it!!! It actually was a good time. A bit warm. I took first place in my age group (I have to tell you that there was just one guy, me, over the age of 50 doing the half marathon). But I did take 12th out of 30. Take that you youngsters. God was watching over me, because at about mile 12, I tripped on a rock, root, or something and went forward landing on my chest and temple. It was on soft ground and not on the rocky parts of the course. I got up and looked around to see if anyone was looking (no one in sight) and continued running. Little did I know that when I finished, I had dirt all over my face. The girls helped clean me up a little. Here is a picture after the race. My support Team!!!

Hannah is about to Graduate from her nursing school. July 9th is the ceremony at North Idaho College and picnic afterwards. She has been getting the highest scores on her tests, in the class. She has worked so hard and I am very proud of her. Susan would especially be proud of her since Hannah is following in Susan's nursing footsteps. Hannah now has taken over as my Nanny. Thanks to Dianne Shaw for the month of June as the girl's nanny. She did such a great job with them.
Celebrated Leah's birthday when she was home. She is back in Oregon fighting fires again this summer. And she bought the house in Bend, OR. So there will be some trips over to Bend in the near future. Planning Thanksgiving over in Bend this year. So continue to pray for Leah and finding a teaching job in the Bend area. She is never without work which is good.

Also, it was "Bring your child to work day" at the Navy Base where I work. Here is a picture of most of my girls that came to work with me. Sarah said that she had never been to work with me and Hannah insisted on going as well. In the background is the model submarine that I work on, Cutthroat.

Be praying for Jason as he goes off to Young Life Camp in Oregon. He will be working at the camp, in the kitchen and as a camp counselor with the youth. He is really blossoming in his faith and applying it to his everyday life and experiences. Aaron is doing very well at his job at Tomato Street. Making money, learning hard work and saving. Talk to you all later..... Blessings.