Today was an emotional roller coaster. We thought we lost Susan this morning due to her low breathing rate but then she perked up this afternoon and actually carried on some good conversations. Mid morning she actually wanted to dance for a while, first with her dad then mom, and then our family. I captured one picture with Susan dancing with Michelle. Very precious moments. One of Susan's favorite books is "You Gotta Keep Dancing" by Tim Hansel. The theme of the book is: 'In the midst of Life's Hurts, you can choose Joy!' She loved this book even before cancer and lived it during her cancer journey. Susan is still resting comfortably and pain free.
"Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me; O Lord, be Thou my helper. Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; Thou hast loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness; That my soul may sing praise to Thee, and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to Thee forever." Psalm 30:10-12
Glad Susan was surprised by mom and dad, we are happy to read of the special times you are having, bowling, a special dinner, brothers and sister around--great family moments dancing...How sweet to surprise the girls with a trip to the mall and all be there. Tender. We all experience some of what you go thru in the blog. God is. He is good in all things. So with all the company has Susan written her letters...? We hope that she get the chance to write and work on that project. We are glad each of the kids has had a chance to express their thoughts and have some intimate time with mom. SOOOO important. We love you all
dan and debbie Thinking of you lots
Susan continues to amaze us. We can't even imagine the dancing she will soon be able to experience. Praying for you all today.
Gary and Gayle
Mom- soon you will be dancing with Jesus and all his angels!!! How wonderful will that be. I love you:)
"Blessed be the Lord of Israel,
Who only does wondrous things!
And blessed be His glorious name forever!" Psalm 72:18,19
Praying for all of you. May you continue to have these precious moments as a family.
Love, Jean
What an incredible journey this has been for your family. You have truly blessed and strengthened. My prayers are with you all at this time. I praise God for the time that He has given Susan to build the precious memories and time with all the children. These will never be forgotten. What a wonderful welcome will be given Susan as she meets her Saviour face to face. I want to thank you for your blog. It has kept me inspired, but most of all it has helped me to pray for your family. In Christ Barb Hobson
Words cannot describe our love and admiration for you and your family, what a witness to the world! Thanks for sharing your lives so much with us...Linda, Arne, Renee and Marie
Dear Aunt Susan, Uncle Doug, and Cousins,
Despite the varying emotions that you are all going through, I cannot think of a more beautiful, peaceful, and loving outlook than that of believing "you gotta keep dancing". What a wonderful thing to believe. The pictures you have been taking are so special. Thinking of you all a lot,
Well done, susan . Well done thy good and faithful servant. I think we all long to hear those words some day.
I only hope I can do it half as good as you. you are such an inspiration. And you will continue to be, you and your family have touched so many.
Till we meet again, my friend
Dearest Vetsch Family,
Words cannot express the impact your family has had on so many people. Your endless love, incredible strength, and your unshakeable faith has been evident to all. May the Lord bless you and give you peace as you share this special time together. Our love and prayers are with you all.
Love in Christ, Mike, Crystal, Isaac, Luke and Caleb Regan
I look forward to dancing with you in Heaven...until then, dear friend, sending hugs to you thru the internet!
May the arms of Jesus surround you all. What a blessing to have so many family and friends to love, care and pray for you. Thank you for sharing your journey. It has strengthened my own faith.
I can remember Susan telling me one time late at night when I said I wilted at 9 p.m. and totally folded by 10 p.m., that she wasn't tired because there were still so many things to do! That statement surely reflected her attitude toward life -- that there are so many things to do. And she has certainly done a lot!
May God be near and very present at this time.
A Sister in Christ
Susan, I ran across this prayer (of Mother Teresa’s) and immediately thought of you and how Jesus' light is shining brighter and brighter from you and how you are a light to others who are following (through the blog) your story of commitment to Jesus.
Dear Jesus,
Help me to spread thy fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with Thy spirit and love. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of Thine. Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Thy presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus. Stay with me and then I shall begin to shine as you shine, so to shine as to be a light to others.
-- Mother Teresa
Till we meet again, Janet Jaspers
Susan, Doug and kids--Thinking of and praying for all of you through the early hours...Singing the Mercy Me song, " I Can Only Imagine..." brought to my heart the poem written by a dear friend, T. Rubesh...
"He is faithful. He will do it." (I Thess. 5:24)
That Day
That day when free of time and space
When saints will come of those who wisely ran the human race
When loves and laughs that man once loved to sing
Will seem mere traces of the heavenly thing,
Metaphors transposed to minor key,
Of glory shorn
"Sufficiently diluted to appear in finite form"*
That day when Grace's workmanship is done
And "It is finished" will become
The prophet's cry fulfilled,
Then, thrilled
With knowledge full, true sight restored
The finished works will meet elated
Their delighted Maker Lord!
And I like to think that you and I will,
Then HIS bride,
Accidently run across each other glorified,
I complete with heart strong, full of praise
You,now beautiful in ALL your lovely ways
Each with a part in building other's days.
We'll meet, and laugh
Amazed at what we could not see,
True Craftsman's quality.
*C.S. Lewis!
My heart echoes the sister who said "...only hope I can do it half as good as you", Susan!
love in Him- Dana
Yes, "Till we meet again". What a day that will be. We will all dance together with Jesus and each other!
I was thinking, if the New Testament was written today, I believe YOU! would be listed with "The Heroes of Faith", in Hebrews.
I was looking in the Scriptures today and came upon Philemon, 1:4-7.
"I thank my God always, for Susan, making mention of her and her family in my prayers, Hearing of Susans' love and faith, which she has toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all her family and friends. That the communication of Susans faith has always been effectual by her doing of every good thing which has been in Susan through Christ Jesus."
God is so good, He gives us such joy, meaning and purpose in our lives. Praise be to the Lord Jesus for his loving kindness.
I love you Susan,
"Till we meet again",
Debbie Thompson
Susan - The love that you have for your family, the Lord, Jesus and the love that you have given to so many others will carry on with us forever. Yourself and your family have touched so many of our lives and have been so very inspirational. Your faith is unmatched. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope someday that we may meet again and share a dance.
-your friend-
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