On Monday morning, I dropped off the girls down at the resort for their boat ride trip out to Camp Sweyolakan on Coeur d'Alene Lake. This is a week long camp that is set aside for Military Kids. They will get to Scuba Dive, do a ropes course, kayak, giant swing and a whole lot more. The big thing is Kayla is going this year. PRAY FOR KAYLA. This is a new experience for Kayla being gone away for so long. That morning I dropped them off, Kayla shed a few tears. I reassured her that she would have a ton of fun and she would make a lot of good friends. Mary and Laura will always be near to her as well. So far I have not heard from them so I guess that is good news (?). I miss them.
Here is a picture of them in front of the big boat that will take them out to the camp. It is about 45 minutes by boat. There were at least 150 military kids, 6 years old to 16 years old there.
One last picture of them on top of the boat deck. King of windy that day. I know Kayla will come back with all kinds of good reports. Mary and Laura loved it last year. They come back on Monday July 19th. Then it is off to Creation Festival over in Seattle on Tuesday July 20th for 5 days. Hannah, Sarah, Mary, Laura, Kayla and I will be working on Staff again this year at this Christian Music Festival near Mt Rainier. Looking forward to it.
Laura took a two day safety baby sitting course at the hospital called "Safe Sitter". Michelle paid for Laura to attend this course so that Laura could babysit Luke for her. Michelle took this course when she was young. We attended Laura's graduation on Saturday. She will be such a good baby sitter.
Here is a picture of Laura with Luke standing by one of the instructors that knew Susan and our family from years ago. Her name is Amy. It was good to see her.
My brother John is here for a week from Houston. He is traveling across the Northwest visiting friends and family. He will eventually get to Billings for a class reunion and to see a lot of friends. He is having a very relaxing time here. Kind of quite without the young girls here. We are having a good time together.